What to do after Detoxing

So you’ve chosen to detox, now what? After detoxing you might be wondering what to do afterwards. A series of questions may come up like what should I eat, how much of it should I eat, and how should I go about making this a seamless and easy process???



Plan Accordingly

The task at hand may not be an easy one but it is completely doable. First, start off by creating a list of healthy foods (fruits and vegetables included) that you love to eat. Second, create a menu for a period of two weeks at a time. Third, create your budget and allow room for any extra expenses that may occur. However, if you plan accordingly by looking at your local supermarkets’ sales paper or finding deals on various foods for your pantry whether at local farmers markets or supermarkets, you may be able to curtail the expenses that may come with eating healthy. Joining or signing up for programs like Thrive Market, or AmazonFresh can prove beneficial when it comes to getting wholesale prices or deals on various organic foods, canned or packaged.



Once you have listed all the healthy foods including fruits and vegetables that you love to eat or would like to try, be sure to put those foods into your weekly or bi-weekly menu. Fourth, go shopping and stick to your list. By following these easy four steps you are sure to be able to stay within budget and eat healthier post detox and make the most out of your detox.



What to Drink and not

Besides the foods that you eat, you also want to make sure that you are drinking the right beverages. Most fruit juices are out in this case, unless you are blending them up yourself – this is to avoid any excess sugar that may have been included in the making of the juice. You can also make your own water and fruit infusions that will help you drink more water and help you stay hydrated. This is both refreshing and beneficial in helping the body efficiently and continually get rid of any toxins that may accumulate on a day-to-day basis. In other words, it helps your body stay in a detoxed state and you will find that your next detox session will be that much more efficient and go much smoother, i.e. fewer headaches and discomforts that may happen during cleansing.

After detoxing, if at all possible, avoid drinking highly caffeinated beverages like coffee, caffeinated sodas (foregoing all soda drinks is best), limit or completely abstain from consuming all alcoholic beverages, avoid any unnecessary use of medicines whether over-the-counter or otherwise when possible. But if you are sick, then do as you must according to your physician’s directions – I am not a physician.



Instead of drinking coffee, substitute herbs or ready-made herbal teas to brew up your daily drinks. You can also incorporate herbal teas for bedtime regiments as certain teas like lavender tea and chamomile tea can help you go to sleep and have a restful night’s sleep. You can also brew up teas like Red Rooibos and Oolong to help strengthen your body and maintain it in a healthy state, as they are great sources of various health benefits. Red Rooibos Tea is a fermented herbal tea that is great for bone health, preventing premature aging, insomnia, headaches, allergies, asthma, and helps boost your body’s immune system, among other benefits. It contains a variety of minerals like calcium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, and potassium to list a few. Oolong Tea is a semi-green tea that is great for brain and heart health and contains lots of antioxidants, beneficial in preventing cancer. It is also beneficial when it comes to stress reduction, weight loss, prevention of diabetes, Both Oolong tea and Rooibos Tea are beneficial in preventing bone loss and therefore osteoporosis. Also, Green tea is one of those drinks that is very, very beneficial because it is full of antioxidants and as an added bonus, gives just the right amount of caffeine – it is much easier on the body and is not highly caffeinated compared to coffee.



Eat This not That

Eat lots of fibrous fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water to help your body get rid of toxins.




While detoxing you refrain from eating animal products, i.e. meat and dairy products or dairy based products. During this time, your body is given the opportunity to take a break from the rigorous task of digesting animal based foods. So it is best to take your time when it comes to reintroducing meat products. You should do so gradually and no sooner than 3 days post detox. This is to help your body adjust to digesting meat once again. Your best bet is to start with lean proteins like fish or chicken – these are a good start and you should introduce them in smaller than your normal portions. Do not gorge yourself on animal proteins as it can prove to be harmful and very discomforting to the body (cramps, gas, bloating, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea…etc.).

Nuts such as almonds can also prove beneficial in maintaining your body, as well, post detox by providing nutrients and fiber to help your system operate smoother.


Types of Foods to Avoid

  • Avoid processed food (i.e TV dinners, frozen & prepackaged lunches/meals)
  • Junk foods or fast food dining
  • Any foods lacking in nutrients or nutritional value
  • Caffeinated foods and beverages
  • Sugary foods
  • Alcohol
  • Fried foods
  • Foods with shortening or saturated fats



After taking the time to detox and going through such a process. Just keep in mind that just because you have detoxed does not mean you should resume your regular unhealthy eating habits. Consider detoxing as a fresh start or renewing of your body and give your body the extra love and attention that it needs and deserves. Although it may not be feasible for you to eat healthy 24/7 you can certainly find time to make sure measures are put in place that will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. Refer to the aforementioned four steps and be sure to set aside the time necessary to accomplish them even if you can only do your planning once a month. If you are good to your body, it will be good to you. Live life well and be healthy.

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