Dangers of Mold in Your Home
A biannual, if not annual test for mold is a must in our book, especially if you live in areas or regions with high humid. Whether you live in a yurt or a big mansion of a house, maintain good air quality is essential to your overall health. And could mean the difference between waking up sniffling and snorty or waking up clear and free of congestion, ready to take on the day. There are many dangers of mold in your home that can affect your health in the long run so be proactive in keeping mold from becoming a problem.
What are the Dangers of Mold?
Much like allergies, symptoms from mold contamination can be presented as coughing, sneezing, headache, runny nose, itchy eyes. So, where does that leave you in determining whether its just plain ‘ole allergies or a result of breathing in mold spores?
Breathing in mold for a prolong amount of time will cause health issues such skin issues, lung disease and possibly cancer over the course of time. The mycotoxins from these mold spores can wreck havoc on a person’s nervous system leading to a host of other issues throughout the body, as well as the a variety of issues within the nervous system itself.
Dangers of Black Mold
Black mold is even more so dangerous as it can prove costly both healthwise and for your pocket book. This type of mold is hard to get rid of and can spread quickly if not caught in time. It can also cause a host of health issues, such as bleeding in the lungs, severe allergies, nausea, chronic headaches, to list a few.
Where is Mold Most Likely to Occur in Your Home?
Moist, damp places are the perfect haven for mold and can quickly become the perfect breeding ground for mold and worse, black mold.
Any form of mold should be properly removed and precautions taken to prevent reoccurrences in the future.
Places that are constantly in contact with water or become warm and humid on a regular basis are perfect conditions for mold to grow and it is best to regularly check any hidden nooks or areas that are dark and unexposed to free flowing air for any signs of mold.
What to Do If You Suspect Mold Growth in Your Home
If you suspect mold growing in any part of your home, do seek professional help and if need be replace walls or drywall with moisture resistant drywall that will help keep the likelihood of mold growth at a minimum.
Natural Remedy for Ridding Your Home from Mold
If you find signs of mold starting to grow in your bathroom for instance or kitchen cabinetry, you can try to remedy the situation using white vinegar at full strength (meaning no need to dilute it at all), simply put some white vinegar into a spray bottle and generously spray onto moldy areas or any area that is starting to show signs of mold growth. Leave the vinegar on for at least an hour or two, if at all possible, overnight provided the area is not easily damaged by the acidity of the vinegar.
Rinse off affected areas(s) or use a damp towel or sponge to remove residue. But do be sure to have a fan or blower going to dry the affected area(s) as quickly as possible in order to avoid creating a moist environment for mold to reoccur.
Chemical Means of Ridding Your Home of Mold
Another remedy for getting rid of mold in small areas of your home, although not the most health conscious way to do so, is to use one part bleach to one part water and place this mixture in spray bottle designed to handle strong cleaning chemicals and spray onto the affected areas.
Leave this mixture on for twenty to thirty minutes and rinse off or sponge clean surface using a damp sponge or towel. Rinse your sponge or towel as many time as possible until the smell of chlorine bleach is gone.
Once bleach residue is cleaned off, make sure to dry the affected surface as quickly as possible. A blower or fan(s) will definitely prove useful in geting the job done.