Wealthy Affiliate Review | Great Way to Earn Extra Income

Now for those who are not familiar with WA, it stands for wealthy affiliate as in wealthyaffiliate.com. It is a site that provides you with a plethora of information in regards to the online marketing and the blogging world. And there are plenty of people readily available to provide you with the help you may need.  They even provide you with contents you can use on your site and or blog, such as images and various avenues for earning income.

Why Should You Join WA?

There are numerous Avenues of information provided on this platform, so rest assure, it will provide you with the tools for starting and managing your very own site, it is what I have used to build this site and several other sites I currently own.

There are plenty of supportive people who belong to this community and with everyone’s end goal being quite similar, it makes it very easy to help each other out and develop a system of networking.

This provides you with the support that you may need throughout your journey to becoming an online entrepreneur.

What does it Take to Be Part of WA?

It may not be easy but if you put in the work, in due time you will see results and be rewarded for your efforts.

There are so many ways that you can earn online and this platform can serve as the doorway to opening those Arenas of income.

If you would like to see for yourself click here to start your free membership. All you have to do is enter your information, NO need for credit card information until you have decided to join this community as a premium member.

When you do decide to join, you can choose to become a yearly member for only $369 or you can choose to be a monthly member for only $49 per month. But you will save significantly by going yearly. Now some of us spend more than that in coffee or fast food purchases, so this shouldn’t be too much out of your reach if you can sacrifice your regular cup of coffee every other day or so…or at least try to make some room in your budget.

More Benefits to Joining WA

There are so many classes and detailed lessons provided.  And in the case that questions arise, there are various Avenues of obtaining help that most of your questions would more than likely be answered by someone in the community.

You also have the ability of posting within the wa community through your very own blog. You can choose to post questions through your very own blog within WA or you can choose to post them through the support/ help Center, as well as, the classroom/chat sessions available.

I Am Not Very Social, So Where does that Leave Me with WA?

Now for those who may not consider themselves a social butterfly, this can still be an Avenue for income for you as well.

If you can manage your time wisely and set aside only an hour a day or every other day to reach out via social media using #Twitter, #Google Plus, #Facebook, #Instagram or even #YouTube you will be able to capture a good amount of attention or even reach a great deal of people which will in turn result in earning income.

If you are willing to put in the work and time, then please see below for breakdown of how it works at WA and how it might fit into your plans of online entrepreneurship.

I have been with wa for over 6 months now and I have definitely seen results in my online entrepreneurship.

Given the competitiveness of my chosen niche, I am not yet where I would like to be in regards to earnings, but I am certain that with time and more effort put forth, I will be able to earn a substantial income per month.




The Best Way to Approach WA and the Idea of Earning Online

Going into this Avenue of passive income (that is online entrepreneurship), you should not necessarily look at it as an instant means of replacing your income – this can happen but it’s not always the case.

Instead you should see it as potentially a means of earning additional income.

This is so that you are able to ease into it and not get your hopes dashed or feel burnt out as it will take time for you to see results.

Once again, it is possible to see instant results; however, this is based on a case by case basis, i.e it depends on the individual, their chosen Niche, ability to appeal to others, and the various other factors surrounding your website.

For some it has been an instant source of income that has replaced their main income and for others it’s been a month by month basis of earning additional pocket money and or additional income to help bolster what they already earn at their daily jobs.

I say this because I want you to have a realistic expectation for WA.




Joining WA and starting your own website will not guarantee instant success; however, the tools are there and the possibility is definitely there for you to become a success, whether overnight or in a year, success is possible and will come with great effort.


Simply put, with WA, you get an all in one access point to a wealth of information to help you build and make a successful online business. Whether you are blogging or selling products (virtual or otherwise) you are in capable hands with WA. And on top of that, you get a reasonable price on hosting as many as 50 websites and if you ever need help, they are quick to respond.

I hope this has been informative for you and I hope you will choose to join the WA community with great, but realistic expectations.

Thank you for your time in reading this and if you would like to give WA a try, then click the link below. Why wait? Give it a try for at least a month with a free starter membership.

Click here to register to join.


P.S. Please be sure to take the classes they have prepared for you. I highly recommend it as they will prove to be very beneficial and will help you become successful in the long run, so don’t overlook them and certainly take your time going through them so you understand as much as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask in comments section below.

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